Saviours of the deprived: Janaseva Foundation by@upaasanabora

Toilet use is the key to unlock social and economic progress in India. In rural India, 61% of the population defecate in the open. Open defecation is an age old practice that is seen as ‘normal’ in many communities. Usage of toilet is important for an individual’s health, safety and dignity. Janaseva Foundation was started with the motto ‘service to man is service to god’. One of the projects that Janaseva Foundation has successfully carried out is construction of toilets in the villages of Pune district. Over the past 3 years, we have been able to construct 1,600 toilets in 35 villages. 700 toilets in villages with Rotary Club Pimpri, Rotary Club Pune Riverside & Rotary Club Pune Central under their matching grant project. We believe that building toilets without addressing common norms, attitudes and beliefs around latrine use is unlikely to reduce open defecation in rural India, which is why various informational sessions have also been organised. Toilet use is necessary . An exposure to human waste causes diseases like diarrhoea. Diarrhoea, U.T.I., and other sanitation related diseases can prevent children from being able to absorb the nutrients in their food, leasing to under nutrition. Open defecation has also been linked to stunting. In India almost 38% of all children below the age of five are stunted, meaning their physical and cognitive development is reduced. This project has significantly catered to the needs of the elderly and disabled people. For women and adolescent girls, this project has resulted in less number of bladder related diseases and has provided them with space to manage their menstrual hygiene. This has further resulted in lowering the risk of harassment when defecating in the open around dusk and dawn. There has also been an increase in the number of children, particularly girls, attending school. We hope that these small steps taken by us eventually lead to a big change.
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”


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